Sunday, April 17, 2011


I was awoke at 4:30 in the morning so the nurses could take my vitals. They left again and I drifted back to sleep. I dreamt that the walls were flooding in the hospital. It was raining outside and everywhere you looked it was leaking. I went to take a shower and found a razor in the stall. I freaked out when I realized I was in the staff shower. I was afraid I would get caught in there and they would extend my stay. Three days was three days too long. That's all I remember from that dream, but I felt the anxiety still when I was awake.

I was awoke again at 5.45 to them telling me I needed to go to the front desk to get my blood drawn. I went back to bed a second time and awoke in a panic, thinking I had missed breakfast. I didn't want to seem defiant by not complying to all the meal times. A staffer walked me down to the mess hall and everyone again stared at me. The 3 people manning the food line were 2 woman and 1 man. They offered me cream of wheat, to which I turned down. Then they offered me french toast, to which I also declined and replied, "I'm allergic to bread and wheat." The girl at the end of the line scoffed and I felt embarassed. He then offered me eggs, to which I gladly took, not wanting to seem like more of a freak. I completed my meal with juice and extra hot coffee that burnt my tongue when I drank it. I sat by myself at a table and noticed everyone around me looking very complacent and far off. A staffer was having a hard time getting one girl to eat. And I sat there, feeling very tired, thinking I must look just like them. A staffer was watching me at all times since I was still under line of sight. He was just staring at me thinking, "you belong here." After breakfast, I went back to bed and slept for a few more hours. When I awoke I was covered in sweat. I felt terrible. I went to the nurse's station and asked if I could get my temperature taken, since I felt like I had a fever. No fever though. I asked if I could take a shower. They gave me a rough little white towel and locked me in the shower room. I wasn't allowed to keep the shampoo and conditioner that my mom had brought me for, because the bottles were too big and they were afraid I would try to drink them. The water had one temperature, freezing cold. I couldn't even stand in it, it was so cold. I sponge-bathed and got dressed and felt a little bit better.

I went out into the common room. The tv wasn't on and people were just sitting, staring at the wall. A staffer came in and said she was taking people outside, whoever wanted to go. I jumped at the chance. We had to walk through all sorts of hallways and locked doors to get to the outside area. Outside was a small grassy area, a basketball hoop, a plastic bin with jump ropes, basketballs, and hula hoops, and large wire fences with chickenwire at the top. When we got outside, a few guys went straight for the basketball court to shoot hoops. One guy, a tall guy with glasses who reminded me of an IT worker, didn't miss one shot. Another girl who panicked on the way out that she might go blind once she went outside, decided she would exercise. Another girl with a walker, which I wasn't sure she really needed, decided to follow along with her. One girl, who I had seen the night before, was trying to coax a cat down from the top of a staircase. A male staffer came out and told the girl who had taken us that I wasn't supposed to go outside, because of the line of sight rule. I went back inside, sat down on my bed, and waited till I was called by the doctor.

The doctor told me I had to stay till Saturday. He increased my medication and started me on a sleeping pill, since they think my insomnia over the prior weeks led to my breakdown. I didn't much care for the doctor. He asked me a lot of the same questions the intake nurse asked, and he seemed like he wasn't really paying attention to our conversation. My guess is he was trying to decide in his head what he was going to have for lunch. If I were him, I would have chosen Mexican. Or Pizza.

At lunch today, I introduced myself to the tall basketball player. His name was Thomas and he turned 27 the day before. He was supposed to be getting out today. I told him he should go somewhere special for dinner to celebrate. Thomas sounds like the name of an IT worker.

Then I met a girl named Roxanne, who talks in a calm even tone all the time. She was the girl who was afraid she would go blind if she went outside. She is going home today too, and I asked her if she was excited and she said, "yes, very excited," with no inflection whatsoever. She's the same age as me, and she just graduated from a college down south. I think she was so busy with school that when she graduated and she found herself with nothing to do, she had a nervous breakdown.

Then I met a boy named Steve. He is not close to his parents or his siblings. His parents are overly controlling and he has very little friends. He's lonely and starved for social interaction. I told him I couldn't wait to get out of here, and he told me he liked it here because of all the people. "He's crazy," I thought. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Is that how the saying goes? He's 17 years old and he's in here because his parents caught him trying to stab himself in the chest. He had to get 6 stitches.

I met with my social worker today. Her name is Jamie and I like her a lot better than the doctor. She listens to what I have to say and tries to convince me that I am trying to do too much, with school and work and the craziness that is my family. I guess I see her point, but I don't want to give anything up. She told me I might be able to get out tomorrow.

I spent the majority of my afternoon with Steve. We hung out in the common room and watched the other people in the hospital. I told him that I heard things on the other side of the hospital and I was fairly certain they were conducting expirements on patients somewhere. He told me he was going to tell them I was hearing voices so they would make me stay longer. It was refreshing to have someone else in the hospital who had my same sense of humor.

Today while sitting in the common room, a patient came in and asked if my name was Sarah. He said there was a call for me on the pay phone. It was Valerie. She was calling to check in on me. It was good to talk to someone outside of the hospital.

Tonight we get to have visitors...

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